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image little angel girl - https:::www.flickr.com:photos:celesterc:401142876:in:photolist



I read a life-changing book by Lorna Byrne called Angels In My Hair. It is about how Lorna could see and talk to the angels from the time she was a child.  The angels were beautiful and wonderful teachers that kept her connected to God. But Lorna learned very quickly she could not tell others about the angels. She had to keep this gift to herself.

Lorna did not have many friends. The teachers at her school thought she was mentally challenged.  Lorna was different. She was not accepted. She did not fit in with the crowd.

According to christianity.about.com, The Bible mentions angels 273 times.  If you search the web, you’ll find many polls that show around 80% of American’s believe in angels (cbsnews.com, washingtonpost.com).  So why is the little girl that speaks with the angels such an outcast?

Maybe it is due to fear of speaking out about what you believe in. The polls asking people if they believe in angels are anonymous. My dream is that we can change the world by teaching children that’s it NORMAL to meditate, to be at peace, and to talk to God and the angels.

The truth is there ARE angels all around us!  Connecting to our angels can bring us peace and happiness beyond our wildest dreams. We just need to remember the angels are there waiting for us to ask them for help.

For what should you ask the angels? Try asking the angels to surround you with a white light protecting you from negative thoughts and energy.  Ask the angels to live with you in your house and to stand by you when you sleep at night!  It’s so fun to talk to the angels!

A wonderful book about how to connect with your Angels is:  Connecting with Your Angels by Doreen Virtue.  Doreen talks about putting angel statues and figurines around your house to remind you of the angelic presence.

This weekend I was talking to my husband about angels and all these books of which I’m speaking.  I half expected him to roll his eyes!  Instead, he had a wonderful idea! He wants to create an angel garden in which I can meditate and write this summer. Our backyard is the perfect place for this angel garden!

My husband and I have already started on the angel garden by buying these two beautiful statues. They give me such joy and high energy already!

images my angels

Stay tuned.  I will keep you posted on how the angel garden turns out.  Planning it is bringing us so much happiness.  It’s a dream for me to have a place like this!

So let’s stand out from the crowd.  Let’s learn from Lorna Byrne and be different.  Let’s talk about our angels!   Look around you for signs of the angels.  Post or email me any signs of angels that you see.  They could be pictures, statues, figurines, etc.  Let’s look for the angels!  I can’t wait!

Peace, Love, and Angels, ✌️💜👼


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