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Do you wonder how you can truly give your worries over to a higher power? Have you ever tried to do it? I have been following specific steps since the beginning of the year releasing my worries to the power of God.  One thing I know, this takes practice.


As part of my morning spiritual practice, I write down whatever worry is on my mind. I then practice energetically giving it over to God. I do this through meditation and visualization. I feel what it feels like to give it over to a force greater than myself.  I feel it for real.

I am practicing this. I am practicing it every day, and it is working. Some worries I have to give over again and again. Smaller worries are going away faster and not coming back. The point is, I am doing it consistently.  I am doing it every day and in a calm state. It is preparing me for the big stuff.

Before this practice, when a problem would arise in my mind (as all problems do), I would hold onto it as my own. I would analyze and twist and turn the problem around in my brain. I would harass and taunt and tease the problem by not leaving it alone. I would squeeze the problem and ring it out like a rag until there was no water left. This would leave me sick and exhausted and the problem would still be there calling my name, “Elllliiizzzabeth…come back!  You need to WORRY about me!”

Now when a problem arises, I am much gentler with it. I let it be. I give it to God. I know I can’t solve it, but a force greater than me can. It helps me really understand that I do not control the universe.

Start practicing today giving your problems to God. Be gentler with them. Don’t hold onto them so tight.  The power of The Universe can handle your problems.  You can’t.

Let’s do an experiment! Hold out your hand palm up. Now imagine that problem smack dab in the middle of the palm of your hand. Make a tight fist with that palm holding onto the problem tight and close as your own. Now instead decide to open your palm. See the problem gently sitting in your hand with your palm opened. And now watch it gently leave and float up to God’s care.

Ahhhhh, that’s nice. That is the meaning of giving it to God. Once you have felt it, you will never forget.

Peace, Love, and Give it to God,



P.S. and speaking of giving it to God.  This pic was taken right before we met Sean Lennon in Vegas.  It was divine timing, and we will never forget.  So much love right here.


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photo credit:  Flickr, Creative Commons, Pauline Thomas, IsabelleT.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulinethomas/4179655442/in/photolist-7nkPWS-eumshP-bPPSe2-c5bb6L-rbpFre-dPzYAx-nJUCob-p6jmFL-hngvJ1-a3tUuU-iRCfMM-FAaKmb-cUQ4rS-7m3mju-i2PTcN-pENqhw-9WUak1-tFFdwG-rsFj9Y-pi4nZZ-p5kEkh-hbEpJc-nvumsx-9zkQ4n-5f7qDg-nvv47m-6MgCgg-nPKQ42-pqB9jb-69HCjB-dSWgP-79d7XX-nvtKGS-pWij6n-nKVQMo-nvuUL1-fRST6-mvrtot-nMNyrW-dSVSG-nvufim-nMYqLi-nvumJp-nUEJjv-nbo8WG-nvtUyw-7pErcc-pdpKji-3UfeuL-nPKQyR