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Would you like to connect with your angels?  An angel tarot card reading can help!  In this video I talk about how calling upon a specific archangel has helped me with anxiety and depression.  A Course in Miracles says angels are “the thoughts of God”.  When we call upon the angels to uplift our thoughts, we receive the support we need.  Sometimes I like to think of it as making my thoughts more gentle.  Angelic support is waiting for you to ask for help in turning your thoughts around.

Imagine if the world asked the angels for help instead of reaching for medication, drugs, alcohol, food, or other unhealthy coping mechanisms when feeling anxious or depressed.  I am not saying this in a judgmental way, because I have been there.  Next time you want to reach for an unhealthy coping mechanism (we all do it), try asking the angels for help first.  It will create some room to turn around a bad habit or two!

In the below video, I also talk about how to take the fear out of tarot.  Unfortunately, Hollywood has not done us tarot readers any favors!  Tarot readings are a way of talking to heaven, and they are more healthy and normal than you think.  Reaching for a tarot or angel tarot deck for an uplifting message is a healthy (not to mention sober) coping mechanism.

Click the link below to watch!  I’m so excited to share this video!  I also do a reading for this weekend and some live viewers!  Join me next Friday at 10:30 am Central if you want me to pull a card for you! (Next time I promise to tape sideways!  The little details! 😉

Peace, Love, and Angel Blessings,


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