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Hello angel people!

I wanted to let you in on a little #12daysofangels challenge that I have started on social media. This time of year can be so hectic. You may be thinking, I have no time to do a silly challenge!

Watch the video on the angel challenge by clicking the link below or just keep reading!

I challenge your challenge resistance and question if you have time to NOT do this angel challenge!

Looking for the angels raises us above our cares, worries, and all the chaos that seems to happen this time of year.  When we stop and notice the angels, we are brought back to the present moment. This is what this season is really about.

The miracle can only happen in the present moment.  It does not happen in the past or the future.  The more present you are, the more likely you are to witness the miracle.

This season is about those moments of perfection. It is about accepting where you are in this beautiful life even if it is not where you think you want to be. It is about lifting the present moment to a higher place no matter what you think is wrong.

A Course in Miracles says angels are the thoughts of God. Angels come to us in many forms. One year, I wrote an entire blog about a swift whiff of wrapping paper I got that brought me back to happy times with my best friend when I was 12 years old. That whiff was a true angel.

Things are not perfect in your life right now. I know they aren’t. They are not perfect in mine either. (Perfect is relative, by the way. A Course in Miracles would say that things ARE perfect. It is just our resistance that makes us think they are not perfect).

Release resistance to how you think things should be, and shift your focus to raising the present moment to a higher vibration. What can you do to notice the angels in all forms?

You DO have time to do this challenge, because it will make you happier and those around you happier! You have all the time in the world. A Course in Miracles assures us that time and space are under His control.

#12daysofangels with me! You can’t go wrong!

I am offering a special right now of an introductory life coaching session for $59! This is after a free consultation with me! I am on a mission to empower women (and men) who struggle with anxiety, stress, and/or depression to change their mindset, be brave, and shine in this beautiful world of theirs!

This IS YOUR beautiful world!  And YOU are a beautiful part of it!  We can do this together! Contact me today at elizabeth@yourhighestlight.com!

Here is your angel card reading for the weekend!

Friday’s Card (two of fire) is all about new partnerships. It may be someone who thinks differently from you or has different strengths. This is a good thing! The dragon ? represents magic and passion in this creative endeavor. Continue to move forward! Saturday’s Card, five of air, is nothing to freak out about. It serves as a warning that we may be headed in a direction that won’t make us happy. So make the decision now to change your course if this card speaks to you. We all make poor choices from time to time, so learn from it and move on. This card urges us to take control of our lives and get clear on our goals. And for Sunday, the king of fire! This just reinforces the need to take charge. After you have set yourself back on the right course, focus and keep moving forward! There is some urgency in this situation! The world needs you to move forward on your life’s mission!  Normally we get a more laid back card for Sunday, but not this week!  It looks like there is some awesome work to be done!

If you want a private reading with me, please contact me, Elizabeth@yourhighestlight.com.

Peace, Love, and Angels,

Elizabeth and Prudence

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