(630) 750-2311


It’s not just woo woo hippie $hit anymore, even though I actually like woo woo hippie $hit.

The healing power of meditation and forgiveness to bring peace, harmony, and health into our lives has now been scientifically researched and proven. 

If we are not doing it, it is time.  Nothing can be more simple in this complicated world.  I don’t know about you, but I am all about simple.  

God, help me rise above the complications of this world to a place where I can hear your voice.  Bring me to inner peace, where I know you are.  

We can’t reach God from a place of fear.  Fear is not where God resides.

Today I want to teach you a meditation practice, specifically the loving kindness meditation.

“Loving-kindness, or metta, as it in called in the Pali language, is unconditional, inclusive love, a love with wisdom. It has no conditions; it does not depend on whether one “deserves” it or not; it is not restricted to friends and family; it extends out from personal categories to include all living beings.”  http://www.contemplativemind.org/practices/tree/loving-kindness

Loving kindness meditation, also called metta meditation, comes from the Buddhist tradition.  It helps cultivate peace, compassion, and forgiveness.  

I have had clients do this meditation religiously, and it has changed their lives.  If you are in any sort of difficult situation where you need a new perspective, practice this!

Here is a mantra for you to memorize.  You can make it your own.  Change it as you wish!

May I be calm

May I be peaceful

May I be healthy

May I live my life with ease

Watch the full video here (I walk you through the meditation in the video), or just keep reading!

Get in a relaxed position where you can sit comfortably for a few moments.  Now say the following mantra to yourself as you extend yourself loving kindness from your heart center.

May I be calm

May I be peaceful

May I be healthy

May I live my life with ease

Now feel loving kindness in your heart and extend it throughout your body.

Now think of someone who it is really easy to love.  Someone you love dearly.  The first person that comes to your mind is it, do not overthink.  Say the following mantra while you extend that person loving kindness from your heart center.

May you be calm

May you be peaceful

May you be healthy

May you live life with ease

Now think of someone you feel neutral about.  It could be someone you see in the store or walking down the street.  While you think of that person, extend that person loving kindness from your heart center.  And say to that person.

May you be calm

May you be peaceful

May you be healthy

May you live life with ease

Now think of someone you are having difficulties with.  The first person who comes to your mind is it!  Knowing that you can’t possibly understand the entire story.  Knowing that forgiving this person does not excuse any wrongdoing.  It just frees you emotionally and mentally from the situation.  Ask God for help as you extend that person loving kindness and say..

May you be calm

May you be peaceful

May you be healthy

May you live life with ease

And now extend loving kindness to all beings on the planet as you send loving kindness from your heart center and say…

May you be calm

May you be peaceful

May you be healthy

May you live life with ease

Know that sending someone who is giving you a difficult time loving kindness does not mean you will allow that person to walk all over you!  Quite the opposite!   You will be able to stand up for yourself and say no without feeling guilty!  This meditation will help you gain better boundaries, because you are sending loving kindness to yourself as well.  Sometimes when we feel hatred toward another person, subconsciously, we feel bad about it.  This guilt shows up in our interactions with the other person.  This meditation remedies the guilt, so you can own your “no” and your “yes.”

Practice the mantra all the time.  Say it silently to yourself as you pass people in the store or on the street.  Say it to yourself all the time.  And please let me know the transformation this has in your life!  Try it for a week and report back to me!


May you be calm

May you be peaceful

May you be healthy

May you live life with ease

Remember I am taking on three new clients who are looking for inner peace!  Click here to apply!

Your Fab Life Coach,




All photos credit to Flickr Creative Commons.  Listed below in order of appearance.

brian donovan, peace circle.  https://flic.kr/p/9KKqxD

Denis Collette, End Of One Wonderful Year… !!!  https://flic.kr/p/4gQ8Vr

Amy V. Miller, Peace.  https://flic.kr/p/4iDEpY