(630) 750-2311

Please contact me today at elizabeth@yourhighestlight with any questions!  

Are you so sick of being overwhelmed and ready for some simplicity in order to amplify what you actually WANT in your life?

Do you have this sneaking suspicion you were born for greatness, but can not get out from under the daily tasks that are bogging you down and keeping you from reaching your potential?

That sneaking suspicion that you were born for greatness is there for a reason!  It is because you WERE born for greatness!

I am so excited to announce that I am launching a 3 part YouTube video series about how to reach YOUR Highest Light!

Are you committed to leaving behind anxiety, emotional pain, and fear in order to move to more joy, love, abundance, peace, and beauty in your life?

Are you sick of self-doubt?

Do you want to make a commitment to be healthier, happier, and create more miracles in your life?

Guess what?  I can help!  YOU WERE BORN TO SHINE!  You know it!  With my help, you can get there!  I PROMISE!  You can do it!  Click on the link below to watch the FIRST of my three-part video series on how you can reach YOUR highest light!

The first video is so simple yet so powerful.  We begin with the power of real gratitude.  I hope it serves you.  Click on the link below to watch.

Peace and Love,


To receive updates from me directly in your inbox, please enter your email address on the left (or click on the menu at the top right if you are on your mobile device). You can also reach me by email me at elizabeth@yourhighestlight.com or find me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/yourhighestlight/about/?ref=page_internal, and follow me on Instagram, elizabeth_yourhighestlight.  I wish you to reach your highest light today!