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The Forces to be Reckoned With

Last week I was asked to write a memorial for my dear Aunt Patsy who passed away.  Yesterday was her memorial service.   Aunt Patsy was a God Sighting.  I am very grateful for the times I had with her.  This one is for Aunt Patsy and all the forces to be reckoned with...


“Grace is the benevolent, powerful, unwavering energy of the universe that guides you to the best version of yourself.” Deepak Chopra. “The Holy Spirit bestows grace upon us all the time, but especially when we ask for it directly through prayer.” Sonia...


  I am reading a book that is shaking me to my core and making me question every assumption I ever made about what is right and wrong/good and bad. The book is called “Quiet: The Power of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain. It is...

New Perspective

“The world is only in the mind of its maker. Do not believe it is outside of yourself.” A Course in Miracles   I find that when I look too closely at things, it freaks me out.  It reminds me of someone with anorexia who focuses so intensely on a body part...