by Your Highest Light | Sep 9, 2017 | Anxiety and Depression Relief, Blog, Connecting to The Universe, How to Feel Connected
It is almost fall! I feel so fortunate to live in an area where I can celebrate every season. I love the change of seasons. Fall is one of my favorites, and it always comes at just the right time (wink wink, when else would it come?). Over Labor Day weekend, I was in...
by Your Highest Light | Sep 2, 2017 | Angels, Angels, Anxiety and Depression Relief, Blog
You are NOT going to believe it! Last week’s video on angel and tarot cards was the most viewed and most commented on video yet! I guess I CAN believe it! Who doesn’t love angel cards? What is there not to love? I decided to do another one this week,...
by Your Highest Light | Aug 25, 2017 | Blog, Connecting to The Universe, How to Feel Connected, Tarot and Angel Tarot, Warrior Goddess
Would you like to connect with your angels? An angel tarot card reading can help! In this video I talk about how calling upon a specific archangel has helped me with anxiety and depression. A Course in Miracles says angels are “the thoughts of God”....
by Your Highest Light | Aug 21, 2017 | Blog, Connecting to The Universe
(photo credit: flickr, creative commons, Roscoe Myrick, Resist, “Unless they (bystanders of racism) are actively antiracist – they will find themselves carried along with the others.” Counseling The Culturally Diverse Theory and...
by Your Highest Light | Aug 14, 2017 | Blog
Do you find yourself worrying? You are not alone! The fact is, worry will block spiritual growth. My most recent VLOG is about releasing your worry and finding support in The Universe. I talk about how to look for signs the The Universe is supporting you! It is...