by Your Highest Light | Jun 5, 2016 | BEATLES
“It’s all too much.” George Harrison I am a highly sensitive soul. I always have been. My mom says I came out of her screaming and didn’t stop. I am sure the lights, the love, the pressure to be cute, it all felt too much. It still does. I...
by Your Highest Light | May 25, 2016 | Connecting to The Universe, How to Feel Connected, Miracles and A Course in Miracles
(I know the spacing in this post is super weird, but apparently the paragraphs in this post needed room to breathe as well. I didn’t argue.) My husband just bought a Marrantz 2270. For those of you who are normal, you may not know what that is. It is one of the...
by Your Highest Light | Apr 30, 2016 | Connecting to The Universe, Warrior Goddess
Did I get your attention? The fact that the name of this blog makes me cringe probably says a lot. But I’m going to take a deep breath and move forward. By the way, I looked up the meaning of the word “gasm” in the urban dictionary: “An exceedingly cool guy who makes...
by Your Highest Light | Apr 1, 2016 | Connecting to The Universe, How to Feel Connected
Many of my clients tell me they have a hard time communicating with their significant others. Come to think of it, I have heard many of my friends and family members say the same thing. And don’t I know it! I have sometimes wondered how my husband and I are from the...
by Your Highest Light | Mar 4, 2016 | Miracles and A Course in Miracles, Warrior Goddess
“Tired of trying to cram her sparkly star-shaped self into society’s beige square holes, she chose to embrace her ridiculous awesomeness and shine like the freaking supernova she was meant to be.” Unknown I went to a workshop this year and...