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How To Meditate

  photo:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/h-k-d/3522744145/in/photolist One of the things that I hear people say is how there is all this research on meditation and mindfulness, but so little instructions on how to do it.  One might buy a book on how to meditate,...

Love Is All You Need

I recently posted this on my Facebook page:  “If I look for love in the day, I find it. If I look for fear and aggravation, I find it. My day, my choice.” In the past week or two my spiritual practice has grown immensely. I finally am experiencing what I always knew:...

The Ego Versus The Holy Spirit

  Photo:  https///www.flickr.com/photos/velvettears/5982590252/in/photolist In metaphysical texts such as A Course In Miracles, the ego is the voice in your head that is opposite of The Holy Spirit’s voice. Wayne Dyer says the ego “edges God out.” If you...